Version 5.3
Amended and approved by the board
Ratified by the Club Members and Board
Projected for 12/2016 (Annual Meeting)
Prior board approvals –
12/03/2016 – Article 11: Dues
Previous amendments;
Article 1: Name
The name of this Club shall be the Oak Island Linksters.
Article 2: Purpose
The Linksters is a diverse group of gentlemen golfers of all golfing abilities. We currently have over 100 members and are made up of both members and non-members of the Oak Island Country Club. The group schedules monthly tournaments of varying formats, as well as other social events involving spouses or significant others.
Article 3: Membership
Club membership shall be limited to gentlemen who have a valid Oak Island Golf Club handicap (Carolina Golf association USGA Handicap) or are in the process of establishing one, and who are actively participating in golf and associated social activities at the Oak Island Golf Club. The Oak Island Golf Club manager will be an honorary member of this Club.
Article 4: Officers
The officers of the Club shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a past President all of whom shall hold office for one year, or unless re-elected, or until their successors are elected. The Board can make officer recommendations and present them to the membership for approval at the annual meeting. The officers will then be elected and approved by the members at the annual meeting.
Article 5: Board of Directors
The affairs of the Club shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of up to 10 directors. The directors will include the officers, the immediate past President, the Oak Island Golf Club manager, and three other members.
The Board shall have the power to:
- fill any vacancies of the Board for the balance of the unexpired term
- establish By-Laws
- fix annual dues
- elect, suspend or expel members for valid and reasonable cause
- fix a limit to the Club’s membership.
Any five members of the Board shall constitute a quorum, with full authority to act, at any regular meeting. At special meetings of the Board, seven members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the authority to act. At either regular or special meetings of the Board the President will have an additional vote to break any tie. The majority of those present and voting at any meeting of the Board shall be sufficient to decide any issue, except as otherwise provided herein.
Article 6: Committees
There shall be two standing committees: The Bylaws Committee, and the Activities and Tournaments Committee. Additional committees will be created if and when required. All committees will have at least one board member as member of the committee.
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Article 7: The Activities and Tournaments Committee
The Activities and Tournaments Committee shall organize and establish all playing rules under the general direction of the Board of Directors for all Club tournaments. The committee shall be responsible to verify all guests’ handicaps.
Article 8: The By-Laws Committee
The By-Laws Committee shall make recommendations to the Board to
keep the bylaws viable and current.
Article 9: Meetings
The annual meeting for electing officers and directors shall be held in December each year on a date set by the Board of Directors – such date to be set not later than September 15. The date shall coincide with the December General Membership Meeting.
Meetings may be called by any officer on not less than seven days’ notice. The Notice shall set forth the purpose for which the meeting is called. Ten members of the Club shall constitute a quorum at any annual or regular meeting. A majority of those present and voting shall be sufficient to decide any issue at any annual or regular meeting of the Club except as otherwise herein provided. There shall be no voting by proxy.
Article 10: Amendments
Changes to the By-Laws that are recommended by the By-Laws Committee and approved by the Club Board, may then be ratified by a two-thirds majority of members present and voting at any annual or regular meeting of the Club.
Article 11: Dues
The annual club membership dues shall be $95. The dues are due and payable for the year which begins January 1st. No member shall be eligible to play in any club tournament or receive any awards unless dues are paid in full. Once a members dues are delinquent for a period of 12 months, that member shall be dropped from the clubs roster. Delinquent members must pay the full years dues in full to be reinstated.
New members dues of $95 will be due on the date of joining the club. Dues for new members joining between July 1st and December 31st September 30th will be $50. Dues for new members joining between October 1st to December 31st will be $25. (Ratified 12/16)
Article 12: Membership
Every candidate for membership in this Club must be sponsored by a member in good standing and the sponsor shall present his nominee using the New Membership Application form. Once approved and receipt of dues is verified by the Treasurer, the application will be communicated to the Board of Directors for their acceptance.
Article 13: Officer Responsibilities
The President, as soon as possible after his election each year, shall appoint chairmen of the standing committees. Each chairman will appoint at least three members to his committee, and within 30 days will report the names of his committee members to the President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and of the Board of Directors, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in his absence. The Secretary shall act as secretary at
all meetings of the Club and the Board publishing meeting minutes accordingly. The Treasurer shall collect all members’ dues, keep the books of account, disburse Club funds as directed by the Board, and perform other duties as assigned by the Board. The Vice President shall perform the duties of the Secretary or Treasurer in their absence.
Article 14: Board Meetings
The Board of Directors shall meet monthly on a date set by the President. Special meetings of the Board shall be held at the call of the President. Committees shall meet at the call of the Chairmen.
Article 15: Suspension and Expulsion
The Board of Directors, at any regular or special meeting, may by two-thirds majority of those present and voting, suspend or expel any member of the Club for conduct which, in the judgment of the Board, is prejudicial to the best interests of the Club, provided notice of the intention to consider the suspension or expulsion of any member shall be given to each member of the Board seven days before the meeting. No vote upon any suspension or expulsion shall be taken until the member concerned has been acquainted with the nature
of the conduct leading to the proposal to suspend or expel him and has had an opportunity to appear before the Board in his own behalf.